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Why BMI is Outdated and Not Relevant in Determining a Person's Health

$ 14.00

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Recently I was invited to visit the headquarter-housed Corporate Wellness Center of a large retailer based in Dallas, TX that I was responsible for designing, building, staffing and operationalizing in a transformational way in 1996. As I reflect on what motivated me to start this company straight o

Is BMI accurate? – The Sports Pharmacist

Have you ever heard the phrase you are what you eat?

How useful is the body mass index (BMI)? - Harvard Health

Caution, “normal” BMI: health risks associated with potentially

Obesity Symptoms for Adults and Children

3 Reasons Why BMI Is Not an Accurate Measure of Health

The Hidden Benefits of Mental Wellbeing Programs: How Improving Your Mental Health Can Transform Your Life

Reflecting on the business plan I drafted in 1996 before pitching and successfully implementing at 4 large corporations straight out of college

bmi: Using BMI to measure your health is nonsense. Here's why

Obesity: What is BMI in adults, children, and teens

Is Body Mass Index (BMI) an Accurate Way to Measure Health?

Obesity and Cancer

High-tech” healthcare solutions need a “High-touch” approach

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The BMI is outdated, simplistic and discriminatory

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