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Asymmetrical Balance, Art Education

$ 9.50

4.7 (483) In stock

Create an asymmetrically balanced design by using 4 squares, 4 circles, and 1 triangle. Overlap the shapes and change the colors from black to white where they overlap. Use a pencil and a ruler/compass to draw it out first and then use a black sharpie marker to fill in the shapes. This could also be done digitally.

7 Principles of Design ideas principles of design, principles of

Asymmetrical Balance, Art, Education, Elementary

Asymmetrical Balance, Art Education

Asymmetrical Balance, Art, Education, Elementary

7 Principles of Design ideas principles of design, principles of

7 Principles of Design ideas principles of design, principles of

Asymmetrical Balance, Art, Education, Elementary

7 Principles of Design ideas principles of design, principles of

7 Principles of Design ideas principles of design, principles of

Asymmetrical Balance, Art, Education, Elementary

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