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If the Americans call trousers pants, then why do Brits call the

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Do British people sometimes call pants 'trousers'? - Quora

Why do we say a pair of underpants? - Quora

Why is “underwear” called “knickers” by British people? - Quora

What expressions do the British say that mean 'masturbating'? - Quora

Does 'pants' refer chiefly to underpants in England, or is the term used to refer to trousers as well? - Quora

Why do people use plural in trousers/pants instead of singular, since you always wear only one pant(s) at the time? - Quora

Is SpongeBob SquarePants shown in the UK? If 'pants' means 'underpants' in UK English and the British children who watch it are too young to know that where the cartoon is made

What do British people call what Americans call 'underwear'? - Quora

British people, what did you wear under your clothes before America brought you underwear? When did you stop using fig leaves? - Quora

Does 'pants' refer chiefly to underpants in England, or is the term used to refer to trousers as well? - Quora

Why do we say a pair of underpants? - Quora

Why do Americans wear blue jeans and tennis shoes or pajama pants with sandals to an opera? - Quora

What is the difference between a vest and an undershirt? Why are they referred to by different names in different English-speaking countries? - Quora

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