
How to install MongoDB on Windows


How to download MongoDB

You can download an appropriate version of MongoDB which your system supports, from the link “” to install the MongoDB on Windows. You should choose correct version of MongoDB according to your computer’s Window. If you are not sure what Window version are you using, open your command prompt and execute this command:

  • C:\ wmic os get osarchitecture
  • OSArchitecture
    64 bit
    C:\ >

Note: MongoDB does not support Window XP.


How to install the downloaded file

In Window explorer, locate the downloaded MongoDB msi file, double click on that file and follow the instructions appears on the screen. These instructions will guide you to complete the installation process.

Note: If you want to move the MongoDB folder from default position to another position, it is necessary to issue the move command as an administrator. let us take an example to move the folder to
C : \mongodb:
  • Select Start Menu > All Programs > Accessories

You can install MongoDB in any folder because it is self contained and does not have any other system dependency.


How to set up the MongoDB environment
A data directory is required in MongoDB to store all the information. Its by default data directory path is \data\db. you can create this folder by command prompt.

  • md\data\db  

If you want to start MongoDB, run mongod.exe

You can do it from command prompt.

  •  C:\Program Files\MongoDB\bin\mongod.exe


For example:

When you connect to the MongoDB through the mongo.exe shell, you should follow these steps:

  1. Open another command prompt.
  2. At the time of connecting, specify the data directory if necessary.

 Note: If you use the default data directory while MongoDB installation, there is no need to specify the data directory.


For example:

  1. C:\mongodb\bin\mongo.exe 

If you use the different data directory while MongoDB installation, specify the directory when connecting.


For example:

  1. C:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe— dbpath d:\test\mongodb\data  

If you have spaces in your path, enclose the entire path in double space.


For example:

C:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe— dbpath  “d: \ test\mongodb\data”  


How to configure directory and files
First to create a configuration file and a directory path for MongoDB log output after that create a specific directory for MongoDB log files.